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CrossFit Downtown Atlanta welcomes any athletes with experience with the Olympic lifting to drop-in to our facility! 

Drop-in rates:

1 Class $27 

5-class pass $110

Since our classes are strictly capped, we require a reservation before you attend.  

Register Here

Pre-Register For Class:

Choose the class you would like to attend on our schedule.

First Visit: Under “New here?” click “Sign up.”

Returning Athletes: Use your username and password to sign into your account.

Click “Register” next to “Drop-in” and complete your payment.

Fill out the information and follow prompts.Once logged in to your ZenPlanner profile, you’ll see a notification that you have an unsigned document. This is our gym waiver and our insurance friends require that you sign it in order to participate. Please click the “Sign now” button on that page.

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