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Jordan Tapley

CrossFit L2 Trainer | The Gymnastics Course L1 Trainer 

Year Started CrossFit: 2019
Favorite Lift: Squat clean

Favorite Gymnastics: Bar muscle up

Favorite Benchmark WOD: Mary or Linda. All gymnastics or all barbell

How did you get into CrossFit?

  • I ran ultramarathons for years, and after a while wanted something new — to get stronger and try new things. A friend invited me to participate in Murph in 2019. My muscles had never been challenged like that before and I wanted more.

What motivates your passion for fitness and healthy living?

  • I love lifting heavy shit. I’m super competitive with myself and enjoy trying new things that I’m bad at and working at it until I see progress. I want to be able to move, run, and lift heavy for as long as I live.

What are some of the benefits you have seen from doing CrossFit? 

  • I’m stronger than I’ve ever been — physically and mentally. I feel better, I look better, and I’m more confident in who I am. And I’ve met some of the greatest friends in the process.

Why do you coach, and what motivates you to teach? 

  • Every athlete has unique goals. One of my favorite things to see is an athlete get closer to those goals and feel good about themselves — and I want to help them get there. I want to make sure every athlete feels confident and powerful, stays safe, and has a great hour of fitness surrounded by friends.

What is your favorite food? 

  • BBQ chicken pizza with jalapeños (gluten free because wheat allergy)

What are some things you like to do outside of CrossFit? 

  • When I’m not at the gym, you can find me prepping for an Oly lifting meet, hanging with my dog at Fetch, sipping cocktails with friends, or traveling for my engineering job.

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CrossFit Downtown Atlanta
215B Chester Avenue SE
Atlanta, GA 30316

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