Kelly Wong
Certifications: CrossFit Level 2 Trianer | Bergener Weightlifting Level 1
Started CrossFit: 2013
Favorite Lift: Snatch
Favorite Gymnastics Movement: Strict pull ups
Favorite Benchmark WOD:
How did you get into CrossFit?
My sister brought me to a bring-a-friend Saturday class.
From where does your passion for fitness and healthy living stem?
Thanks to my parents, I played a lot of sports growing up (tennis, volleyball, golf, swimming, etc.). I think that probably plays into the normalcy of having a training schedule.
What are some of the benefits you have seen from doing CrossFit?
Since starting CrossFit I have become physically and mentally stronger. I have bad days where I'll be frustrated with how something in a workout goes, but experience has taught me to have a strong mind and get over it quickly. Everyone has bad days, just learn from it and move on. CrossFit has also taught me patience. It took me ~3 years to get double unders...
Why do you coach, and what motivates you to teach?
What is your favorite food?
What are some things you like to do outside of CrossFit?
Fly with the eagles, CAW!​​​