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Kelly Wong

Certifications: CrossFit Level 2 Trianer | Bergener Weightlifting Level 1

Started CrossFit: 2013

Favorite Lift: Snatch

Favorite Gymnastics Movement: Strict pull ups

Favorite  Benchmark WOD:  

How did you get into CrossFit?

  • My sister brought me to a bring-a-friend Saturday class.

From where does your passion for fitness and  healthy living stem?

  • Thanks to my parents, I played a lot of sports growing up (tennis, volleyball, golf, swimming, etc.). I think that probably plays into the normalcy of having a training schedule.

What are some of the benefits you have seen from doing CrossFit?

  • Since starting CrossFit I have become physically and mentally stronger. I have bad days where I'll be frustrated with how something in a workout goes, but experience has taught me to have a strong mind and get over it quickly. Everyone has bad days, just learn from it and move on. CrossFit has also taught me patience. It took me ~3 years to get double unders...

Why do you coach, and what motivates you to teach?

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What is your favorite food?

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What are some things you like to do outside of CrossFit?

  • Fly with the eagles, CAW!​​​

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CrossFit Downtown Atlanta
215B Chester Avenue SE
Atlanta, GA 30316

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