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WOD for March 10, 2017


~15 Minutes of Open Prep

Skill/Weakness of a movement in 17.3



3 rounds of: 6 c2b pull ups 6 squat snatches (95/65) 3 rounds of: 7 c2b pull ups 5 squat snatches (135/95) You have 8 minutes to do this. 3 rounds of: 8 c2b pull ups 4 squat snatches (185/135) You have up to 12 minutes to do this if you get the first 6 rounds in 8 minutes. 3 rounds of: 9 c2b pull ups 3 squat snatches (225/155) You have 16 minutes to do this if you get the first 9 rounds done by 12 minutes. 3 rounds of: 10 c2b pull ups 2 squat snatches (245/175) You have 20 minutes to do this is you get the first 12 rounds done by 15 minutes. 3 rounds of: 11 c2b pull ups 1 squat snatches (265/185) You have 24 minutes to do this if you get the first 15 rounds done by 20 minutes.


Note: The entrance to the gym is located down the sidewalk to the right of the garage. 215B CHESTER AVENUE ATLANTA, GA 30316

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