Blake Collier
Certificates: CrossFir Level 2 | CF-Kids
Started CrossFit: 2009
Favorite Lift: Overheard Squat
Favorite Gymnastics Movement: Handstand Walks
Favorite Benchmark WOD: Hidalgo
How did you get into Crossfit?
I suffered a knee injury post college soccer, that required surgery. CrossFit brought me back from it!
From where does your passion for fitness and healthy living stem?
I played soccer, school and club, all the way through grade school and college. This created my love for fitness and wellness!
What are some of the benefits you have seen from doing CrossFit?
For me, the most beneficial part about CrossFit isn’t what originally got me into it. It’s the community and the friendships.
Why do you coach, what motivates you to teach?
- I coach because I love the interactions with the athletes and witnessing them improve.
What is your favorite food?
Steak and Fries
What are some things you like to do outside of CrossFit?
I love to hang out with my wife, kids and friends, attend soccer games, and travel.