COVID-19 Protocols:
Our COVID-19 precautions are many. To craft our policies, we have been working with one of our members who is with the Fulton County Dept of Health, and one of our coaches who works full time at the CDC.
Gym is capped at 15 members per class time
Door locked 5 minutes into class. Door is propped open at the end of class, and 15 minutes before the start of class
In keeping with the latest CDC Guidelines on masks, we have lifted our mask mandate (this may be altered as the CDC guidelines, or the City of Atlanta mandates change)
Stations have 5-6 foot border around them
Stations are essentially mini CrossFit boxes. Stations have:
a mini rig, with a squat rack and separate pull-up bar (bars at set at several different heights)
a selection of bumper plates and barbells (15/35/45)
a selection of kettlebells, dumbbells, medicine balls, and slam balls
a plyobox (20/24/30)
2-4 wallball targets (7/8/9/10)
a set of low, and high rings
15’ climbing rope
a rower
an Air Bike
Gymnastics mat
a PVC pipe
a tube of hand sanitizer
a spray bottle of non-toxic disinfectant (HOCl) with a towel (towel is changed after every class)
a white board and marker
anything not there will be brought your square by a coach
All movements must be done facing into your square
No sharing equipment
A full disinfection process at the end of each class
Gym goes through a deep clean/disinfecting twice a week
We are constantly updating our safety protocols based on the latest information and data.